International Round Table Meeting

International Round Table Meeting on Mumble

Thursday, February 23, 2024 - 19:00 to 23:00


Alan 's picture

I would like to find out where to find the agenda when the site is down for maintenance. Thanks for your reply.

Also, I would be very interested to see if the groups like Global Call and Global Spring 12M 15M... can put together a summarizing subcommittee that can list the visions and goals of all Occupy groups so that we can systematize our actions. Best regards, Alan Blanes Ph 250-860-7719 Kelowna BC Canada

I have tried to list my url in the homepage field and it is not registering ""

robin's picture

Global Round Table Summit 7PM GMT 
When: 23rd February  2024
Location: Mumble - Details  
Process (etiquette) Doc:
Please write your (nick)NAME, followed by your QUESTION - many thanks 
(remember your nicknam
1: If Occupy is looking for space to organize, could we not create non-denominational religious or spiritual spaces to take advantage of the tax-free nature of them?
2:Tres:Having agenda questions and questions posed here does that not create a two tier hiearchy where agenda questions get answered and raised first, could we go to a fair non-order system using a random answering of questions in the view of equality. Why should my question be addressed second just because I possed it earlier than someone else? Although I think sharing news at start is useful :). If the person who originally was concerned about this issue wants to supplant my question with a more articulate version of the question please do :).
3:Aidan... a reoccuring albeit radical idea....pros and cons to bringing all occupy to one location and pushing outwards from there. 
4: ukwatching : Many critics of the occupy movement say occupy is not focused. While this is because there are so many things wrong with the current system would it be helpful to the occupy movement to put together some workable solutions / demands to some problems or would this risk the other things being overlooked?
5:dennmans: Involved in the Global Call:, will have a breakout in the M12 - M15 Global channel during this meeting
6:Iprussogirl is everyone aware that Willyforeal is going to be streaming from Syria very soon he really needs our support his twitter handle is @willyforeal gives up to date tweets for us to know when he will be up! Thank you for your support!  Global Roundtable Rocks!  
7:NMSyria: Hello everyone. Please show solidarity with Syria - - Tweet to the hashtag #SyriaOnMyMind with your message to the people there. If you don't have a twitter, coment here and I will pass along the message. My message is : #SyriaOnMyMind because all the blood has wiped the smile off my face, the spring from my step, the rest in my body. #Syria. 
8: anonop: with st paul's london looming eviction by the bailiff's, what steps can be taken to help the vulnerable homeless people left at the camp. this applies to all camps worldwide pending eviction. 
9: aquabuddha: Has Occupy officially disassociated itself with the 99% Working Group July 4th Convention? According to Thom Hartmann an American liberal radio host he got an press release from Occupy stating that Occupy is not affiliated with this event. Is this a schism (anarchist non-hiearchy model verses political establishment model) we should be worried about or can both models co-exist side by side? Hartmann concludes that its a natural part of movements to branch off in different directions, but I just want to confirm that Occupy has indeed rejected being part of this event and get people to think about the different ways the movement is headed.  This was a 2 hour discussion, Hartman's show is archived on his live stream. 
NEWS from OAKLAND Oscar Grant's cousin wounded by OPD Oscar Grant's cousin wounded by OPD ALREADY COVERED EARLIER
11. m0bus:  How can we be sure that the conflict in Syria can't be a false-flag event? 
12. m0bus: valid points have been brought up about putting the cause to action, how can we ever plan to implement change?  The powers at be will always suppress us on every turn. Sometimes it feels like this movement was allowed to start, becuase it can easily be crushed by mass media. ElectricBishop: Seems to me, the 1% fear ONE thing only. That this movement feeds, waters, medicates, electrifies and shelters people. If that was in place, nobody would need "the system" if their survival needs were met elsewhere?
13: aZure: In Gene Sharp's book "From Dictatorship to Democracy," the guide to nonviolent revolution that most of the protests and revolutions that we hear about today, from Burma to Syria, are based upon. It is actually advised TO co-opt as much as possible; co-opting the police, co-opting labor, co-opting every pillar of Government. So, why is it, almost from the very beginning there has there been this push from OWS to not co-opt? And is this the right choice? Isn't co-option the antithesis of what the "99%" stands for, by bringing as many people and groups as possible?
14) The revolution in Syria has crossed the line of no return a long long time ago. After 9000 deaths...there's no turning back.
15.  Jim_P - locally, the camp (  ) has held out since October, thru the winter months and while the weather has been mild this month (thank fook) it appears to me that there's a significant amount of pressure being applied to get it to move; this mostly behind the scenes, not by direct action thru the city council or police department.  I'm wondering about methods for passive resistence that do not include simply 'running' to avoid police action or violence; art is where we're been tending as an Assembly.
To join the Culture of Peace World Movement and to bring in the 80,000,000 signatories to manifesto2000 
T_indignadx's picture

Hello everyone,
I am not going to be able to make it tonight. We are launching a campaign for local elections. Please PLEASE share the following invitation at the meeting: it is for this Sat. Thanks!

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