How to connect to our server


Download the Mumble client for your computer / mobile here:




Install Mumble as you do with any other program and be sure to run/finish the 'Audio Wizard' when you start Mumble for the first time.
Please select a 'Push To Talk button' when running the 'Audio Wizard', else in a room with 50 people it will possibly lead up to feedback or worse.



Ok now, that's all set, let's connect to the server, options:


Option 1:

Add the server to the connect dialog yourself.

In Mumble click on: Server > Connect > Add new.

Label: OccupyTalk
Port: 64738
Username: Choose a username / alias you want or the username you used to register on the website.

Now click 'Ok' and double click on the server name to connect.
You will be asked to accept our self-signed certificate (just select 'Yes') and now you are on the server.



Search for the server on the public server list, the machine itself is located in Germany, so open up Germany and search for (takes a couple of seconds to load the list)


Option 3:

Click HERE to connect (you need to install Mumble before this can work at all)


Useability tips:

- In Mumble, click Configure and the click (ones) on Text-To-Speech. This will disable the Mumble client reading the chat out loud.


- You can also disable all other sounds by going to 'Configure > Settings > check the 'Advanced' box at the bottom left > Messages.
Now disable all sounds you want to, it's a good advice to disable the soundfile for 'Text Message' at the bottom, else when you are speaking for a longer period of time and you have speakers, instead of a headset, the notifications can be a problem, it will feed back into the microphone.


- >>> If you have problems with your audio, feedback or noise, a moderator might move you to the audio setup room, or jump in this room when you experience issues yourself. Most of the times when there are people online, someone will jump right in there with you to help out on microphone or overpowering-issues. <<<


More information:

Howto on:


Banghouse: (A very well-made manual for MAC)


Amba's picture

hi is there a Channel Viewer Protocol for this mumble to use with this wordpress plugin ?
best regards

robin's picture

The CVP is NOT currently supported by DMA (Drupal Mumble Admin), but it IS on the TODO list. Will post an article to the site ones it's ready. Currently the focus is on more social interaction, so it's on the list, but not with a high priority. If you would like to help developing this, send me a message.


Amba's picture

ok tx i talk to u in private message
best regards

robin's picture

And it supports CVP since today :)

BarbDwyer's picture

hi Robin wtf won't let me in using my ususal means?

I don't understand how to get to mumble chat now?


robin's picture

You do have to remember that password :)

nikolia's picture

hello occupiers

robin's picture

Hi ! :)

OccupyPeaceTalk's picture

Hi Occupiers, A question for anyone who knows, I signed up with a different user name and password last month, now I have a new one will it affect my ability to connect to any of my meetings?

Alan's picture

Could anyone say what the link for the agenda is?


robin's picture

Check on the top left site, you can click on the 'month'.

robin's picture

(Or just click on calendar in the main menu.)

Sallijane's picture

Server connection failed; remote host closed the connection—???

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